Adoptees Like Me: Marie Discovers Her Superpowers – Live Virtual Reading (FREE)

Virtual Author Event

BE THE FIRST TO GET A SNEAK PEEK OF THIS SPECIAL BOOK FOR YOUNG ADOPTEES — not yet released, but coming soon! Saturday, October 22 from 4:30 - 5:00 PM MDT Join Dr. Chaitra Wirta-Leiker — author, international and transracial adoptee, adoptive parent, and psychologist — for a FREE live virtual reading of her debut…


Keynote Speech and Breakout Session at Full Circle Conference

Thompson Alumni Center, University of Nebraska Omaha 6705 Dodge Street, Omaha, NE, United States

"From Struggles to Superpowers: Reframing the Seven Core Issues in Adoption" Keynote Speech Presented by Dr. Chaitra Wirta-Leiker at the Nebraska Children's Home Society Full Circle Conference: SUPPORT FOR ADOPTIVE FAMILIES COMES FULL CIRCLE The seven core issues in adoption are often perceived as barriers to an adoptee’s ability to be healthy and successful. But…

Workshop at MNAdopt

"From Blow-Up to Bonding: Finding the Balance of Attachment-Focused Discipline in Adoption" Workshop Presented by Dr. Chaitra Wirta-Leiker to the MNAdopt Education Program How can you turn moments of struggle into moments of connection? Discover how brain development, implicit memories, and the “6 F’s” (Fight, Flight, Freeze, Friend, Fidget, Flop) can influence your adoptive or…

Virtual Adoptee Group – Special Days

Virtual Group

ENROLLMENT CLOSED FOR 2023 Group discussion focuses on “Special Days” – Consider how birthdays, adoption anniversaries, Mother’s/Father’s Day and other significant days affect you. Join a series of virtual discussion groups for adult adoptees, with monthly themes based on the chapters of The Adoptee Self-Reflection Journal authored by Dr. Chaitra Wirta-Leiker. Each group will be…


Parent Education Series at Denver Academy

Denver Academy

"The Seven Core Struggles of Adoption" Parent Education Presentation by Dr. Chaitra Wirta-Leiker at Denver Academy ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Dr. Chaitra Wirta-Leiker (she/her) is a licensed psychologist, international/transracial adoptee of color, and an adoptive parent. She specializes in providing mental health support focused on adoption, trauma, and racial identity work through her private practice based in…

Live Virtual Reading of “Marie Discovers Her Superpowers”

Virtual Author Event

Join Dr. Chaitra Wirta-Leiker — licensed psychologist, international/transracial adoptee, adoptive parent, and debut author — for a live virtual reading of Marie Discovers Her Superpowers, the first book in the “Adoptees Like Me” illustrated series for elementary readers. In this story, children and parents will discover special ways to respond to adoption questions that empower…

$10 – $30

Training at the Human Services Network of Colorado

"Melting the Iceberg: Becoming the Anti-Racist Provider Your Clients Need" Training Presented by Dr. Chaitra Wirta-Leiker to the Human Services Network of Colorado The ability to provide effective, compassionate, and competent support to communities of color depends upon our understanding of the ways we carry racial bias into our professional interactions – but as helping…

Virtual Adoptee Group – Relationships

Virtual Group

ENROLLMENT CLOSED FOR 2023 Group discussion focuses on “Relationships” – Explore how your adoptee identity influences your sense of trust, belonging, significance and confidence in relationships and the larger world. Join a series of virtual discussion groups for adult adoptees, with monthly themes based on the chapters of The Adoptee Self-Reflection Journal authored by Dr.…


Webinar: From Struggles to Superpowers: Reframing the Seven Core Issues in Adoption

Virtual Webinar

Join Dr. Chaitra Wirta-Leiker as she guides you into the extraordinary and often overlooked world of adoptee strengths and superpowers. Learn to support your adoptee's natural tendencies and empower them to feel proud of the remarkable ways in which they contribute to the world. This webinar will be available live and the recording will be…


Free Webinar Series — How to Talk About Difficult Birth Histories (Part 1: Abuse, Neglect, Domestic Violence)

Virtual Webinar

"How to Talk About Difficult Birth Histories | Part 1: Abuse, Neglect, Domestic Violence" Webinar Presented by Dr. Chaitra Wirta-Leiker The histories of youth in foster and adoptive families often involve details that can feel difficult to discuss as a caregiver. Learn how to share about your child’s history with them in ways that promote…
