Speaking at 2022 Colorado CASA State Conference

Denver Marriott South at Park Meadows 10345 Park Meadows Drive, Lone Tree, CO, United States

"How Trauma Impacts Behavior: Implicit Memories and the 6 F's" Presented by Dr. Chaitra Wirta-Leiker to the 2022 Colorado CASA State Conference The behaviors of children who have experienced trauma can be baffling to the adults around them, and it can be easy to forget that these behaviors may feel just as baffling to the…


Keynote Speech and Breakout Session at Full Circle Conference

Thompson Alumni Center, University of Nebraska Omaha 6705 Dodge Street, Omaha, NE, United States

"From Struggles to Superpowers: Reframing the Seven Core Issues in Adoption" Keynote Speech Presented by Dr. Chaitra Wirta-Leiker at the Nebraska Children's Home Society Full Circle Conference: SUPPORT FOR ADOPTIVE FAMILIES COMES FULL CIRCLE The seven core issues in adoption are often perceived as barriers to an adoptee’s ability to be healthy and successful. But…

Workshop at MNAdopt

"From Blow-Up to Bonding: Finding the Balance of Attachment-Focused Discipline in Adoption" Workshop Presented by Dr. Chaitra Wirta-Leiker to the MNAdopt Education Program How can you turn moments of struggle into moments of connection? Discover how brain development, implicit memories, and the “6 F’s” (Fight, Flight, Freeze, Friend, Fidget, Flop) can influence your adoptive or…

Training at the Human Services Network of Colorado

"Melting the Iceberg: Becoming the Anti-Racist Provider Your Clients Need" Training Presented by Dr. Chaitra Wirta-Leiker to the Human Services Network of Colorado The ability to provide effective, compassionate, and competent support to communities of color depends upon our understanding of the ways we carry racial bias into our professional interactions – but as helping…