Adoptee-Therapist Directory


If you are looking for a provider . . .

This directory includes licensed U.S. mental health professionals who identify as adoptees and work with adoptees / adoptive families in a variety of public and private settings. Only providers who have voluntarily submitted their information have been listed.

To search for providers internationally, visit ICAV's Post-Adoption Support page.

If you are a provider . . .
Terms of service . . .


CO - Virtual Sessions Statewide

Amanda Baden, PhD 
(646) 498-0452 / [email protected]

Personal Adoption Status: Transracial, International, In Reunion
Client Population: Elementary-Age, Middle School-Age, High School-Age, Adults, Couples, Families
Specialties: Racial & Cultural Identity, Trauma, Attachment, Relationships, Adoption Search & Reunion, International & Transracial Adoptions

CO - Virtual Sessions Statewide

Alison Ferriera, LMFT, LAC
(720) 583-4827 / [email protected]

Personal Adoption Status: Transracial, International
Client Population: Adults, Couples, Families
Specialties: Transracial Adoptees, Adoption/Attachment, Relationships, Life Transitions, Trauma, Identity, Anxiety, Depression, Addiction

CO - Virtual Sessions Statewide

Lauren Fishbein, LPC
Lauren Fishbein Counseling, LLC ~ 7355 S. Boulder Road, Boulder, CO 80303 (720) 505-7885 / [email protected]

Personal Adoption Status: International
Client Population: Toddler, Preschool, Elementary Age, Adults, Families

CO - Virtual Sessions Statewide

Christine Fuhrman, LCSW, LSCSW(913) 221-3120 / [email protected]

Personal Adoption Status: Same-Race, Domestic, Foster, In ReunionClient Population: High School-Age, Adults, Couples, FamiliesSpecialties: Complex trauma, Anxiety/Mood/Depressive disorders, Autism, Social-justice oriented, Adoptees, Queer/LGBTQIA+

CO - Virtual Sessions Statewide

Katie Graff, LPC

Authentic Mind Care ~ (907) 888-6748 / [email protected]

Personal Adoption Status: InternationalClient Population: High School-Age, AdultsSpecialties: Search & reunion, Birth country travel preparation, LGBTQIA+, Sex therapy, Anxiety

CO - Virtual Sessions Statewide

Liz Lucchese, PsyD
Arrow Psychological Services (847) 220-4355 / [email protected]

Personal Adoption Status: Transracial, International
Client Population: Adults
Specialties: Psychodynamic psychotherapy, LGBTQ+ community, Racial & cultural identity development, Trauma-informed care, Interpersonal relationships

CO - Virtual Sessions Statewide

Robyn MooYoung, PsyD
MooYoung Psychological Health, LLC ~ (407) 533-3516 / [email protected]

Personal Adoption Status: Transracial, International
Client Population: Adults
Specialties: Trauma, Grief, Complex family dynamics

CO- Virtual Sessions Statewide

Katy Perkins Coveney, LCSW-S
FindSelf Counseling ~ (972) 895-8376 / [email protected]

Personal Adoption Status: Same-Race, Domestic, In Reunion
Client Population: Adults
Specialties: Clinical supervision, consult & therapy rooted in social justice, Consult for post-adoption (including transracial & international), Eating disorders, Childhood & adult trauma, Sexual & domestic violence recovery, Cultural competence, LGBTQIA, DNA discoveries, Depression, Anxiety, Search & reunion, Oppression & identity distress, EMDR, Clinical Supervision (TX & NC), Public speaking, Professional training, Policy analysis

CO - Virtual Sessions Statewide

Jadah Petty, PhD
Therapy to Connect Psychological Services ~ (323) 484-3510 / [email protected]

Personal Adoption Status: Transracial, International
Client Population: Adults
Specialties: Trauma/PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, Race-based traumatic stress

CO - Denver & Virtual Sessions Statewide

Caela Day, Psy.D.
1660 S. Albion St., Suite 905C, Denver, CO 80226 (720) 295-0454 / [email protected]

Personal Adoption Status: Transracial, International, In-Reunion
Client Population: Middle School-Age, High School-Age, Adults, Couples, Families
Specialties: Trauma, Anxiety, Depression, EMDR, Racial/Ethnic Identity Development, Attachment Issues

CO - Denver & Virtual Sessions Statewide

Abby Derr-Moore, LMFT, LPC
Renewed Balance Therapy ~ 1805 S. Bellaire Street #215-C, Denver, CO 80222 (970) 481-9870 / [email protected]

Personal Adoption Status: Transracial, International
Client Population: Preschool, Elementary-Age, Middle School-Age, High School-Age, Adults, Couples, Families
Specialties: Complex Trauma, Attachment, and Dissociative Disorders (including C-PTSD, RAD, BPD, DID); Foster Care and Domestic & International Adoption; High Conflict Families and Couples, Attachment-Based Parenting

CO - Denver

Kathy Mackechney, LCSW
Adoptee Therapy LLC ~ 789 Sherman Street #650, Denver, CO 80203 (303) 960-6964 / [email protected]

Personal Adoption Status: Same-Race, Domestic, In Reunion
Client Population: Elementary-Age, Middle School-Age, High School-Age, Adults, Couples, Families
Specialties: Internal Family Systems (IFS), Family Systems Therapy

CO - Denver & Virtual Services Statewide

Laura Williams, LMFT, LAC
World Well Colorado ~ 789 Sherman Street #650, Denver, CO 80203 (720) 432-8242 / [email protected]

Personal Adoption Status: Transracial, International
Client Population: High School-Age, Adults, Couples, Families
Specialties: Attachment trauma, Adoptee identity, Asian/multicultural identity/couples, Sex therapy, Couples therapy

CO - Denver & Virtual Services Statewide

Chaitra Wirta-Leiker, PsyD
Beyond Words Psychological Services LLC ~ 5300 DTC Parkway #210, Greenwood Village, CO 80111 (303) 522-3184 / [email protected]
*Founder of the National Adoptee-Therapist Directory

Personal Adoption Status: Transracial, International
Client Population: Adults
Specialties: Social justice-oriented therapy, Transracial adoption, Racial identity development, Trauma, EMDR, Brainspotting, Attachment, Adoptive parent education

CO - Greeley & Virtual Sessions Statewide

Abby Derr-Moore, LMFT, LPC
Renewed Balance Therapy ~ 1901 56th Avenue #100, Greeley, CO 80634 (970) 481-9870 / [email protected]

Personal Adoption Status: Transracial, International
Client Population: Preschool, Elementary-Age, Middle School-Age, High School-Age, Adults, Couples, Families
Specialties: Complex Trauma, Attachment, and Dissociative Disorders (including C-PTSD, RAD, BPD, DID); Foster Care and Domestic & International Adoption; High Conflict Families and Couples, Attachment-Based Parenting





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